Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A New Board

The new board members are:
Jason Glover - President
Wanda Harris - Vice President
Vernice Pair - Treasurer
Nicole Matthews - Secretary

We are excited to spend the next year exploring new ways to "provide for maintenance, preservation and architectural control of the residence Lots and Common Area within that certain tract of property described as JASPER HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION in Henry County, Georgia, and to promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents within the above-described property and any additions thereto," as our Articles of Incorporation mandate!

Join us as an active member of the community and help keep Jasper Heights a great place to live!

If you need to contact the Board for any reason, we can be reached at:

by mail:
Jasper Heights Homeowners Association Inc. P.O.Box 833, Hampton, Ga. 30228

on facebook:

by email:


  1. Please to All: Consider ANY information found on this BLOG as NULL and VOID. It is OUTDATED and NOT under any control whatsoever of the current Board of Jasper Heights Home Owners Association. For current info and true information please contact us at the real Jasper Heights email of jasperheights@gmail.com. That email is monitored and checked daily by the current board as of JULY 16th, 2018. We are moving forward with our community and the people shall know what is going on instead of the LIES, DECEPTION and outright THEFT that has taken place by previous BOGUS Board members.

  2. There are a lot of fraudulent activities, embezzlement, election rigging and many more issues with Jasper Heights HOA. It's time to get law enforcement involved.
