Tuesday, April 1, 2014

HOA Covenants


To get a free copy of the Article of Incorporation and Covenants for Jasper Heights HOA, please go to: 


Some important things in the covenants:

Dogs should be on leashes - 5.03(g)
Grass should be cut - 5.06(b)
Parking on the street is prohibited - 5.08(c)
Dues of $150 are due by April 10th – 12.03 and 12.07(3)
A lien can be placed against a home for failure to pay dues – 12.09

Also, see our new by-laws at:
See the by-laws at:

1 comment:

  1. Please to All: Consider ANY information found on this BLOG as NULL and VOID. It is OUTDATED and NOT under any control whatsoever of the current Board of Jasper Heights Home Owners Association. For current info and true information please contact us at the real Jasper Heights email of jasperheights@gmail.com. That email is monitored and checked daily by the current board as of JULY 16th, 2018. We are moving forward with our community and the people shall know what is going on instead of the LIES, DECEPTION and outright THEFT that has taken place by previous BOGUS Board members.
