Monday, July 11, 2016

Big News - Self Managed Again

We have some big news...the Board has decided to discontinue services by CAM.  We are going to be self-managed again!

I went and made this turn over official last Friday.  I received 2 Bankers Boxes of documentation.

CAM was very useful in helping us get the neighborhood back on track but we could not afford to continue their services any longer.

As we make this transition, here are some things to keep in mind:

-  The Board will be sending out a formal letter to announce this change and provide updated contact info in the next few weeks.

-  We currently have $5879.05 in Checking and $1709.69 in Savings.  The Board will be collecting income, making deposits, paying vendors, etc in the future.  I will provide monthly updates on financing here on this blog.  Any resident is welcome to see financial records, to include ALL bank statements, at any time.  The Board seeks full transparency in all our efforts.

-  The Board will continue to do monthly drive thrus to note covenant violations.  We will inform homeowners and collect fees as necessary.

-  The Board will still collect dues each spring.  This year I am happy to say that 100% of homes paid in full  We will still have our annual meeting at he Fears Mill Clubhouse in late February or early March.

-  The Board is going to get 3 bids on landscaping to ensure that we are getting the best value.  We will do the same with the annual pinestraw refresh when it comes due.

-  The Board is planning to get 3 bids on weed control for the front entrance to River View Ct and the roadside strip in front of the Highway 3 homes.  We will keep you updated.

-  The Board is planning to brainstorm a way to do commendation or appreciation letters for homeowners who display a high level of commitment towards keeping their property looking great.  We are even exploring small tokens of appreciation for such efforts (gift cards and such).

-  The Board is considering a "get to know your neighbor" block party in early October.  We would probably hold it in the back cul-de-sac of River View.  Music, Burgers, a Jump House, etc.  We would love to hear your thoughts on that idea.

Stay turned for more frequent blog posts and feel free to contact us at: