Friday, September 1, 2017



I have been working to get a new landscaper ever since I fired the last guy for shabby work.

I have received 3 estimates. 

$600 a month
$475 a month
$460 a month

Those prices seemed high given that we were paying $200 per month.

However, we were getting what we paid for.

To get better quality lawn care for the HOA areas, we will have to pay more.

I have looked at budget and believe we can make the $460 per month work.

Here is our current budget with the new landscape pricing for Sept - Dec

Here is a proposed budget for 2018 calendar year, including the new landscape pricing for the entire year.

Unless I get some strong feedback to the contrary, I will ask the Board to vote next week and we may go ahead with the new landscaper.

If you have comments for concerns, please let us know.
