Monday, August 25, 2014

Complaints and Corrections

 One of the purposes of the HOA is to listen to the concerns of residents and act to assist whenever applicable.

Recently, we received a complaint from a citizen that the areas around the entrances to those back driveways behind our Hwy 3 homes were not being maintained.  Specifically, these are the areas around the little fence islands.

As a result, we have contracted with our landscape guy to begin cutting and weed-whacking the common areas around those fences at the driveway entrances.  While we were unable to find out whose responsibility those areas were from a legal stance, we agreed that it is common sense that the HOA should maintain those!

We have also received a complaint regarding a pothole on one of those back driveways behind our Hwy 3 houses.  We confirmed with the County and determined that it is the HOA, not local government, that is responsible for the upkeep of those driveways.

As a result, CAM is assisting us with quoting out and securing a repair for that pothole in the near future.

Please do not hesitate to bring your concerns to the HOA, through this webpage or through CAM.  We are here to help our community keep safe and to ensure that properties are well maintained so that all of us benefit from higher property values.

Thanks so much!

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