Thursday, March 17, 2016

Annual Meeting

The annual meeting was held at the Fears Mill clubhouse on 3-16 at 6:30pm.

CAM had mailed out notices of the meeting in advance to homeowners.

Unfortunately, we only had 15 people attend, representing 10 homes.

We talked about a variety of issues to include:

-  The end of year financials for 2015

-  The proposed budget for 2016

-  The feasibility of continuing CAM services given the chunk of cash that pothole maintenance has taken from our balances.

-  The covenant violation process

There were several questions from residents on topics such as:

-  Potential for speedbumps

-  Are those access roads with potholes really the HOAs responsibility

-  How many delinquent homes were on the books when CAM took over and how many are there now?

CAM agreed to several action items in order to answer the residents questions and provide options for reduced services.  As those answers and that data is provided, I will post it here for transparency and comment.

We also held elections. The current Board was re-elected without competition.  Wanda Harris nominated Jason Glover for President so Wanda and Jason have switched their roles for the next 12 months.

Here is a link to the audio of the meeting if you want to listen:

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