Thursday, February 16, 2017

Railroad Conversation

Thank you to Mr. Yates for taking the initiative on contacting our Commissioner and trying to reduce the annoyance of the late night railroad whistles.  Here is the backstory and update on that issue:

> On Feb 9, 2017, at 5:51 PM, Michael Yates <> wrote:
> Ms. Clemons,
> I hope you are well and congratulations for your new position in District II. I spoke with you a while back regarding the establishment of a quiet zone (Train Xing) here in Hampton. I understand that you are having a townhall meeting tonight but we (Jasper Heights HOA) are having our annual meeting also so I will unfortunately miss your townhall as I attend our HOA to discuss this issue I shared with you. I will send the guide to establishing such quiet zones (Produced by the Federal Railroad Administration) for your review, again. The FRA requires that this process be initiated by our local government representative/entity (You/BOC) so please help us with this situation expeditiously. If you would like me to produce a petition or take any other action I will be happy to do so. This is your chance for an easy victory that will make many of your constituents very happy.
> Thank you in Advance for your Efforts and Dedication,
> Mike Yates

Mr. Yates I'm looking into this right away. I will be in touch.

Dee Clemmons

District 2 Commissioner
Henry County Georgia

Feb 11
Ms. Clemons advised that she has prepared a resolution for the Board of Commissioners to address our train issue and she request that we attend the April BOC meeting to support this effort.
Mike Yates

Feb 13
  Ms. Clemmons seems to be on top of this issue now and is working hard to help resolve this concern. I will update all as things develop. IF we need to attend the BOC meeting I will advise date and time. Thanks all!
Mike Yates

Annual Meeting Recap

We had a great annual meeting at the Fears Mill Clubhouse.  The turnout was around 30 folks.  We enjoyed CFA nuggets and other yummy treats for about 30 minutes before the meeting began.  It was a nice to time to get to know others in the community.

Rather than recap the meeting point by point, I will be uploading an audio recording of the meeting here in the next day or issues!  If anyone has specific questions about the meeting, they can always write or call me.

UPDATE:  here is the audio file -

I would like to recap a few highlights however...

1)  It was noted that the light bulbs in the lantern that hangs on the rock pillars at the entry to River View Ct were burned out.  I have replaced those.

2)  It was noted that the bushes around the spotlight that illuminates the Jasper Heights sign, which is affixed to the rock pillars, are too grown up and hide the effect of the lighting.  I looked at them in the daytime and did not see excessive growth.  I plan to revisit that spot at night to observe again.

3)  There was no objection to the Board's desire to get 3 bids on 2017 landscaping and pine straw, in an effort to get the best service for the best price.  I am in the process of soliciting those bids now.  I will write a blog entry when I receive the quotes back.

4)  It was requested that part of that landscaping bid be a section on cutting the bushes at the 4 "fence beds" that sit at the entry to the access roads off Old Highway 3.  Will do.

5)  The issue of the train blowing it's whistle late at night came up.  Mr. Yates (1235) was gracious enough to have already spoken to D2 Commissioner Dee Clemmons on the matter.  He is working with her to petition the BOC to ask the FRA to halt that activity.  A separate post on this is coming soon.

6)  A motion to hold a fall block party passed - cost NTE $700

7)  A motion to buy a new removable letters entry sign passed - cost NTE $200

8)  The issue of the last pothole on the access road came up again.  There was some confusion on Lee Mason's opinion last year regarding whose responsibility it was to repair the pothole.  Lee had informed us that it was the homeowner according to the Covenants and the Plat Map.  Several residents questioned that in the meeting.  I consulted with another real estate attorney on the matter (the boss of one of our residents) and he confirmed that it is the owner, not the HOAs responsibility to fix the pothole.

9)  That said, a motion did pass to:

a)  Request that the homeowner repair the pothole

b)  If they do not respond and repair within 30 up to $2500 from HOA funds to repair the pothole

c)  Take legal action to get reimbursement from the homeowner

I am preparing the letter to the homeowner and I will be getting bids on repairs.  Look for updates on this, the most talked about, of all HOA topics.

Lastly, I will be performing a drive through next week to look for covenant violations!  The holidays have passed and the grace period is over...time to pressure wash that moldy siding and get the house looking good for spring!