Friday, November 17, 2017

The President is Moving

Hello all,

I am sad to say that today is my last day in GA.  I accepted a position in California and we are moving out there after a week vacation in Orlando.

I have passed all HOA related materials to the Vice President (Wanda Harris) and provided her with an email that details all current status reports for accounts/ landscaping/ dues/ covenant violations etc...

As this blog is linked to my personal Blogger account, I am not sure if it will continue to be the primary method of communication or if Wanda will do something else.  Stay tuned.

I wish everyone at Jasper Heights the very best. 
Jason Glover


  1. I am the home owner at 160 River View Court and have been trying to reach someone on the Board through Gmail. I have not received a response. Will someone please let me know the best way to reach the board? Thank you

  2. Please to All: Consider ANY information found on this BLOG as NULL and VOID. It is OUTDATED and NOT under any control whatsoever of the current Board of Jasper Heights Home Owners Association. For current info and true information please contact us at the real Jasper Heights email of That email is monitored and checked daily by the current board as of JULY 16th, 2018. We are moving forward with our community and the people shall know what is going on instead of the LIES, DECEPTION and outright THEFT that has taken place by previous BOGUS Board members.
