Thursday, November 13, 2014

Pothole Repair

Please note that the contractor will be out to fix the large pothole on the back driveway behind the Highway 3 homes the weekend of Nov 29-30.  New concrete will be poured on Dec 1st.

Let us know if you have any questions!
Jason, VP

Monday, October 20, 2014


Hey neighbors!

I wanted to remind everyone that Halloween is on a Friday this year.  Sunset is expected at 6:46pm.

I want to encourage all the residents of Jasper Heights to stay local and participate in Trick or Treating!  It is a fun and easy way to meet each other and say "hello." 

We have a great long street (River View Ct) that would make trick or treating easy to do.  Let's take advantage of this holiday to get to know each other better and munch on some candy!

I hope to see you around 7pm on October 31st!

Jason, VP

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pine Straw, Paint, and Potholes

In response to some concerns, the HOA has recently authorized our landscape contractor to "spruce up" the entrances to the driveways along Old Highway 3.  Take a look as you drive by and you will notice the new pine straw, the fence repairs, and the new coat of paint on the fences.  Looks 100x better!

Our landscaper has also put down fresh pine straw at the River View Ct entrance.  It also looks great!

We are aware of the pothole on one of the driveway behind the homes off Old Highway 3.  We are looking in to having it repaired.  It seems to be a pretty bad pothole and will probably require more than just a quick fix.  Please be patient as we secure the appropriate contractor and we ensure that we have funding for this repair.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact the Board.  Thanks!
Jason Glover

Monday, August 25, 2014

Complaints and Corrections

 One of the purposes of the HOA is to listen to the concerns of residents and act to assist whenever applicable.

Recently, we received a complaint from a citizen that the areas around the entrances to those back driveways behind our Hwy 3 homes were not being maintained.  Specifically, these are the areas around the little fence islands.

As a result, we have contracted with our landscape guy to begin cutting and weed-whacking the common areas around those fences at the driveway entrances.  While we were unable to find out whose responsibility those areas were from a legal stance, we agreed that it is common sense that the HOA should maintain those!

We have also received a complaint regarding a pothole on one of those back driveways behind our Hwy 3 houses.  We confirmed with the County and determined that it is the HOA, not local government, that is responsible for the upkeep of those driveways.

As a result, CAM is assisting us with quoting out and securing a repair for that pothole in the near future.

Please do not hesitate to bring your concerns to the HOA, through this webpage or through CAM.  We are here to help our community keep safe and to ensure that properties are well maintained so that all of us benefit from higher property values.

Thanks so much!

Friday, August 15, 2014

HOA Update - July 2014

Hello everyone!  We have been working with Community Association Management for 4 months now and the Board is happy to report that our relationship with CAM has been consistently professional and beneficial.

Recently, CAM provided the Board with the most recent detailed financial statements.  I want to share some of the highlights here and offer to provide the full copy to any homeowner who requests one (with PII redacted).
  • One notable item is the repair of the entrance lamp by the Jasper Heights sign.  It had been dark due to electrical issues for some time, we went ahead and paid $275 to have it repaired and now it shines with a warm and inviting glow as you pass by!
  • Cash on hand = $8,910.49
  • Money Market savings = $1,708.71
  • There are 28 of our 68 homes that still owe and we expect to recover about $12,800.00 in the months ahead from those assessments, legal fees, etc.
CAM does do random drive thru inspections and the Board will take homeowner complaints, verify them, and pass them to CAM.  So please ensure you are following applicable covenants and laws so you don't get hit with a warning, a fine, or a ticket!  A few things to remember...
  • Don't park on the street.
  • Keep your lawn trimmed.
  • Dogs should be on leashes.
  • Shape those front yard trees to look like trees, not big bushes.
  • Keep mailboxes rust free and painted.
  • Large commercial vehicles are not to be parked in suburban neighborhoods by County Code.
  • Power wash that siding to remove mold and mildew.
These things are not to impose burden upon you, but to help ensure that the property values for our neighborhood are the best they can be!

If you have any questions, or comments, please contact us.  We will be glad to assist!


Jason Glover

Friday, May 23, 2014

Pool Time!

Memorial Day weekend means that pools everywhere are opening up for summertime fun!

If you are interested in obtaining a pool pass for the Fears Mill HOA community pool, please see below for the steps you should take:

1)  Residents should fill out the Amenity Agreement located at:

2)  A signed copy of that agreement should be submitted to the Jasper Height HOA Board.  Email is best.

3)  The Jasper Heights HOA Board will verify that the resident is current on their dues and then forward the agreement and the fee to Community Association Management  (Deanna Wallis with a cc' to Rhonda Fleming)

4)  Once CAM has received the agreement they will contact the resident to obtain the $200 amenity fee,.  After the fee is paid, CAM  will issue an amenity card to give the resident access to the pool, tennis courts, etc

Please note:
If the resident has used the facilities in the past their card would still be good. CAM would need to activate it. If they have lost their card CAM requires $25.00 to replace it. It they are new there is no charge for the card.

Swim safe and have fun!

Thursday, May 22, 2014


 We have official by-laws now!  These detail the specifics on how the HOA will be run in accordance with the covenants.

See the by-laws at:

Violation Letters

Late last week or early this week, many of us (myself included) received friendly reminders about covenant violations that we need to correct.

They look something like this:

If you received a reminder, please address the violation promptly.  Remember, these violations are being brought up in order to help maintain strong property values for our neighborhood.  The better your neighbors houses look, the more your house is typically worth.

Also, please note that failure to correct these violations will result in a warning letter and future fines.  Ain't nobody got time for that!  Lets work together and help keep the community looking great!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Welcome Letter

You probably received a letter in your mailbox last week that reads like this:

Please let us introduce ourselves. Jasper Heights Homeowners' Association, Inc. ("Association"), as of May 1st, will be managed by Community Association Management, LLC ("CAM"). We look forward to the opportunity of serving and communicating with you in an effort to make your community a place you are proud to call home.

As your community association manager, we will manage the business operations of Jasper Heights Homeowners' Association, Inc. There are a number of responsibilities that go along with managing Jasper Heights Homeowners' Association, Inc. including, but not limited to, visiting the property seeking covenant violations, developing budgets and effective collection procedures, managing the association's assets, and supervising maintenance activities and contractors' performances. Although your Board of Directors is the ultimate governing body for your Community, having a professional Community Association Manager will ensure that your Community will run smoothly.

Your Association is a covenant protected community. Please keep in mind that before you can make a modification to any exterior part of your residence, you must first obtain approval from the Board. Attached is the modification form for you to use whenever you are planning on making a modification to your home. If you do not have a copy of the governing documents for your community, please contact my manager assistant, Rhonda Fleming, at 770-692-0152 or e-mail and a copy will be e-mailed to you.

Association dues are $150 annually due by April 10th of each year. Your invoice for any prior outstanding dues on your account is enclosed. You can mail in your payment by check or you can pay online at by clicking on the "Pay Dues" icon at the top right of the home page and following the prompts from there. There is a processing fee that the third party vendor (E-Payment for Dues) charges for the convenience of paying on-line. If you need to set up a payment plan to repay any outstanding assessments, please contact my legal assistant, Michelle Mascara, at 770-692-0154 or e-mail

We look forward to a lasting relationship with you as we strive to protect and enhance the property values of Jasper Heights Homeowners' Association, Inc.

Community Association Management, LLC/Law Offices of Lee Mason, LLC
Agent for Jasper Heights Homeowners' Association, Inc.
Lee Mason
Lee Mason, Esq., CMCA®, AMS®, PCAM®

That is our welcome letter from CAM, the company now managing Jasper Heights HOA. We are looking forward to this partnership and the positive changes it will help bring. Let us know if you have any questions!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Agreement with CAM

Please go to this link to see the signed agreement with Community Association Management.

We are working with them to send out Welcome Letters and Notices for the Payment of Dues in the next 10 days.

Thanks for everyone's patience as we finalize the administrative actions necessary to enter into partnership with this management firm.

Let us know if you have any questions!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


It is that time of the year when things warm up and critters emerge from their slumber.

I wanted everyone to be aware that we recently had a snake spotted at 208 River View.

We confirmed with the guys at Southeastern Reptile Rescue that it was a harmless snake - the Midland Brown Snake.

Nevertheless, please keep you and your family/ pets safe by familiarizing yourself with local snakes, safety precautions, and first aid.

Stay safe!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Going under Professional Management.

We had an excellent HOA meeting last night.  Despite the low turnout, we were able to get a great deal accomplished in a short amount of time.

Lee Mason gave an excellent presentation on the types of things that his company can do for us.  Essentially, they have the resources to manage the daily administration of the HOA in accordance with our covenants and at the direction of our Board.

That means that CAM will send out official correspondence on behalf of the HOA, manage the finances and records of the Association, and enforce the collection of dues and the violations of the covenants.

All of that will be done for $400 a month and covers all 68 homes in the HOA.  The only "additional" fees are $0.25 per page for photocopying and the fact that our HOA will have to pay upfront court costs for filing judgements against those who refuse to pay.  Those costs are about $100 per filing and will be reimbursed to the HOA once the monies are collected.

After Mr. Mason spoke and left the clubhouse, those folks who were present had a 30 minute discussion on his proposal and our thoughts on hiring him and his company to manage us.  There was overwhelming support for hiring Mr. Mason.  There was also overwhelming support for seeking the collection of past unpaid dues.  Mr. Mason had informed the HOA that he can collect up to 4 years of past dues.

The Board is currently reviewing Mr. Mason's draft agreement, which can be seen here:

I fully expect that the Board will decide to enter into a contract with Mr. Mason that shall begin May 1st.  As such, Mr. Mason and CAM will be collecting dues this year.  Typically, dues are due on April 1st.  Due to our transition this year, we are not requiring that dues be paid on April 1st.  CMA will establish a new due date for this year alone and make contact with residents soon.

Please know that the purpose of this decision to hire Mr. Mason is not to "get people."  We are committed to building a community and maintaining/ improving property values.  As such, it is important that we have mechanisms in place to engage residents, so that they feel that they are a part of Jasper Heights and so that we will all take ownership over keeping the neighborhood a great place to live.

Financially, we will not have to increase dues to accommodate this move to hire CAM.  In fact, we can't.  The covenants are clear that dues cannot exceed $250.  In order to change that we would need a 2/3 vote by standing members with a 3 year implementation window.  Therefore, we had to look at some numbers to determine how we could keep dues low and hire CAM.

Here is our latest draft budget for 2014 and 2015, slightly revised after Mr. Mason's talk with us last night.  I anticipate higher income that projected in 2014 if we hire Mr. Mason and get him to work on collecting back dues.  The consensus last night was that it would be worth taking a financial hit in 2014 net income to see the process of professional management begin.

 We will post an update on the official decision by the board and we will keep everyone informed on the path forward.

Comments are welcome!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

CMA Proposal

At tonight's meeting we will hear from Lee Mason with CAM.  He manages Fears Mill and we are thinking of hiring him to manage Jasper Heights.

What would we get for that you ask?

Go to this link to read Mr. Mason's proposal to us for his services:

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Where is Jasper Heights?

Our community is located along Old Highway 3 and down River View Ct in Hampton, GA.  We have 68 homes in the community.

HOA Meeting - April 2nd

 Join us at the Fears Mill Clubhouse on April 2nd at 6:30pm. 

Lee Mason from Community Association Management will be making a presentation on the proposal to bring our HOA under professional management.

Crime in Jasper Heights

 Ever wonder what the crime rates in our area are like?

General Information

Some basic information about Jasper Heights HOA...

The Homeowner Association Fees for Jasper Heights are currently $150.00 per year.

The fees are typically due and payable by April 10th.

All Fees must be paid in full by the due date for voting rights. Late fees will apply.

Please be sure to contact us for a Closing Letter at least five working days prior to closing. 

The cost of the Closing Letter is currently $50.00 if the request is received with five or more working days prior to closing.

The cost of the Closing Letter is $90.00 if the request is received with less than five working days until closing.

Other fees or charges may apply and will be indicated on the statement included in the closing letter. These are typically administrative fees which may also serve as transfer fees.

Please note: We are not affiliated business-wise with our good neighbors in the Fears Mill Subdivision. Our homeowners are allowed to purchase pool passes and rent the clubhouse from them provided they are current with their dues here at Jasper Heights. This is a standing mutual agreement between the two neighborhoods due to our close proximity. They will contact us to verify dues status prior to allowing use of their amenities by any of our homeowners. 

Please contact them for further information on the pool, tennis courts and clubhouse rental.

HOA Covenants


To get a free copy of the Article of Incorporation and Covenants for Jasper Heights HOA, please go to:

Some important things in the covenants:

Dogs should be on leashes - 5.03(g)
Grass should be cut - 5.06(b)
Parking on the street is prohibited - 5.08(c)
Dues of $150 are due by April 10th – 12.03 and 12.07(3)
A lien can be placed against a home for failure to pay dues – 12.09

Also, see our new by-laws at:
See the by-laws at: