Friday, November 17, 2017

The President is Moving

Hello all,

I am sad to say that today is my last day in GA.  I accepted a position in California and we are moving out there after a week vacation in Orlando.

I have passed all HOA related materials to the Vice President (Wanda Harris) and provided her with an email that details all current status reports for accounts/ landscaping/ dues/ covenant violations etc...

As this blog is linked to my personal Blogger account, I am not sure if it will continue to be the primary method of communication or if Wanda will do something else.  Stay tuned.

I wish everyone at Jasper Heights the very best. 
Jason Glover

Friday, September 1, 2017



I have been working to get a new landscaper ever since I fired the last guy for shabby work.

I have received 3 estimates. 

$600 a month
$475 a month
$460 a month

Those prices seemed high given that we were paying $200 per month.

However, we were getting what we paid for.

To get better quality lawn care for the HOA areas, we will have to pay more.

I have looked at budget and believe we can make the $460 per month work.

Here is our current budget with the new landscape pricing for Sept - Dec

Here is a proposed budget for 2018 calendar year, including the new landscape pricing for the entire year.

Unless I get some strong feedback to the contrary, I will ask the Board to vote next week and we may go ahead with the new landscaper.

If you have comments for concerns, please let us know.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Update 8.17.17


Please forgive the lapse in updates.  I have traveled for work much of the summer.  Here are a few new developments.

1)  We have 12 homes still delinquent.  One of those is experiencing a foreclosure.  I have mailed a last letter to these owners.  If I do not receive the dues by the end of August, I plan to seek legal action.

2)  I have been continuing to issue covenant violation letters.  Many people correct the issue quickly.  I still have a few owners that are not responding to the letters.  I have even had some folks refuse to open the letter and immediately send it back as Return To Sender...I will press on and fight the good fight to keep the neighborhood looking good.  Legal action many be imminent on a few of the habitual offenders.

3)  I had the massive pothole that was on the Old Hwy 3 access road repaired.  It cost $3350.00.  It looks good and seems to drain, not retain, water during rain storms.  That is the last pothole repair that the HOA will fund.  Any future repairs will be at the expense of the owner of the affected lot as per the legal opinions I have received.

4)  I have fired Eagle One as our landscaper.  I have had some owners complain about the unshaped bushes and the lack of pinestraw recently.  I gave Eagle One the authorization to do that work but it was not done in a timely or professional manner.  I am meeting with 3 different landscape companies over the next week to get a replacement.

5)  The current balances and budget stand at:


Friday, June 9, 2017

Update 6.9.2017

Update Time!

1)  I went by the PO Box and found 7 more dues checks waiting for me.  I deposited that $1050 at Wells Fargo.

2)  That brings our checking account balance to $10561.19 and our savings account balance to $1710.00

3)  There are still 15 homes that are in some level of full or partial delinquency as it relates to annual dues.  One of those homes is going into foreclosure and we have a lien against that property for $1025.75.  I will be contacting the appropriate folks and trying to ensure we recover those funds.  Additionally, I will be mailing one more certified letter to homeowners who have still not paid and if they still do not pay, I will be looking at appropriate legal measures.

4)  I have been issuing covenant violations and most people have been complying.  A few have not.  They have received certified letters recently to give them a last warning to correct the violations.  I have noticed a couple of homes that seem to be ignoring those letters.  I will be providing them one last chance before assessing the $25 per day fine and seeking legal recourse.

5)  Mike Yates continues to work on the railroad noise issue.   The county manager told him that it would cost thousands of dollars to correct and the county is not making it a priority at this time.  Mike continues to follow up and seek other avenues.  You can read his updates on our facebook page:

6)  I have received some comments expressing displeasure with the landscape company we use.  If you have additional thoughts on this matter, to detail what is concerning and how we can correct it, please let me know.

7)  I have received 2 estimates on the access road pothole repair since the first company fell through.  I have one estimate for $4950 and one for $3350.  Same scope of work.  I cannot account for the large difference.  I could not get any other companies that I contacted to follow up with me.  I suggest that we move ahead with the cheaper repair.  That pothole is bad and further delay will increase the cost.  If we did so, here is what our budget for the rest of the HOA Year (through Mar 30) would look like.  Thoughts?  After public comment, the Board will vote on how to proceed.

Thanks everyone!  Contact me if you have any questions.

Jason Glover, President

Friday, May 5, 2017



A few updates...

1)  We had 10 folks go ahead and pay up after my initial warning letter.  Thanks you to those individuals.  I still have 23 homes that have not paid.  I am sending out Certified DEMAND LETTERS next week to get those dues.

2)  The company that was going to do our last pothole for $1100 has bailed on us.  The representative said that they mainly do Fayette County and there workloads there are too heavy to come to Henry.  I am getting more quotes at this time.

3)  Our landscaper was suppossed to cut some of the bushes near the access road entries on Old Hwy 3.  He did not for a couple of weeks.  I reached out to him to ask what was going on and it turned out he was out of town on a medical emergency.  He is back now and says he is cutting those bushes today.

4)  I sent out some Covenant Violation Letters 2 weeks ago.  I will be doing another drive through soon.  Most of the issues involved mold on siding, aged mailboxes, and fence repair.  Please work to keep our neighborhood looking good and property values up!

As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns,

Friday, April 14, 2017


Hello everyone!

It is now past the due date for our annual dues.

I visited the PO Box and Bank today to get an last minute checks and deposit them.

Unfortunately, we still have just over 30 homes where  the owner has not paid their annual dues!

That is almost half the neighborhood.

Last year, CMA got 100% compliance on dues.

I will get that this year as well.

I will send Certified Demand Letters to those who have not paid.

If they do not respond, I will send a second Demand Letter via Certified Mail.

If still no reply, I will send a third Demand Letter and require signature.

If they do not pay after three letters...I will talk with the appropriate local court and sue t he homeowner to recover dues plus late fees and legal fees.

I will keep you updated.

Also, I did a drive through.  Expect Violation Letters to be mailed next week.  Lots of mold on siding and some mailboxes still need a bit of tender care!


Friday, March 24, 2017

Various Updates

Hey Everyone,

I have a few updates for you!

1)  I got (3) quotes on lawn care and pine straw.  Our current vendor, Eagle One, came in cheapest and will continue the work.  To be specific, I have spoken with him about the scope of his work.  For $100 per cut he will cut the areas noted below in red on the picture below (essentially the right of way on Old Hwy3, the strip behind the access roads off Old Hwy 3, and the main entrance to River View CT.)  Also, he will trim the bushes quarterly for a small fee.  The bushes been trimmed are noted in blue on the picture below (essentially, the 4 access road beds and the main River View beds.)  Pine straw will be put out in the usual areas in later April.

(image failed)

2)  I also got 2 quotes on the pothole repair behind 1175 Old Hwy3.  The cheapest was BOSS Construction at $1100.00.  That is half of what CAM was repairing the other potholes for!  He will get to work on that in coming weeks.  I have reached out to the homeowner regarding what efforts they can make towards paying for the repair given the legal determination that it is their responsibility.

3)  I purchased a new interchangeable letters sign for the River View entrance.  I have it ready to swap but I need to cut the old one loose, it was bolted down.  Unless someone knows where the key is?

Let me know if you have any questions.  Remember that dues are due April 1st.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Railroad Conversation

Thank you to Mr. Yates for taking the initiative on contacting our Commissioner and trying to reduce the annoyance of the late night railroad whistles.  Here is the backstory and update on that issue:

> On Feb 9, 2017, at 5:51 PM, Michael Yates <> wrote:
> Ms. Clemons,
> I hope you are well and congratulations for your new position in District II. I spoke with you a while back regarding the establishment of a quiet zone (Train Xing) here in Hampton. I understand that you are having a townhall meeting tonight but we (Jasper Heights HOA) are having our annual meeting also so I will unfortunately miss your townhall as I attend our HOA to discuss this issue I shared with you. I will send the guide to establishing such quiet zones (Produced by the Federal Railroad Administration) for your review, again. The FRA requires that this process be initiated by our local government representative/entity (You/BOC) so please help us with this situation expeditiously. If you would like me to produce a petition or take any other action I will be happy to do so. This is your chance for an easy victory that will make many of your constituents very happy.
> Thank you in Advance for your Efforts and Dedication,
> Mike Yates

Mr. Yates I'm looking into this right away. I will be in touch.

Dee Clemmons

District 2 Commissioner
Henry County Georgia

Feb 11
Ms. Clemons advised that she has prepared a resolution for the Board of Commissioners to address our train issue and she request that we attend the April BOC meeting to support this effort.
Mike Yates

Feb 13
  Ms. Clemmons seems to be on top of this issue now and is working hard to help resolve this concern. I will update all as things develop. IF we need to attend the BOC meeting I will advise date and time. Thanks all!
Mike Yates